So today, in this page, I can’t think of anything better than sharing the small things that actually make my day (almost everyday)– without going overboard like a road trip in Europe or flying First Class to Maldives. I am talking about tiny, tiny things that I sometimes overlook – and now is the perfect time to rejoice and be grateful for these small things. By the way, I am Dimas, only just an ordinary boy who live in an extraordinary life. I can say that because as we grow each day, we all encounter things that change us, either for the better or for the worse.
Yes! I do believe that everything happens for a reason. This quotes really stick on me, like everything I do now because of the reasons. I never regret everything what really happened in my life recently. Sometimes I just granted to God because he creates such a beautiful story for me, put a side how many obstacles and fails that I’ve been trough in my past. Every single journey there will be a lot of stories to tell, and a lot of memories to remember.
The time after I’ve done with my thesis defense
Just one of quick shot throwback from me. I just granted that I’ve finished my study from Universitas Bakrie, majoring Industrial Engineering for 3,5 years. After hectic months, some epic highs and some lows focued on my thesis, I was hiring with the well-known consultant business company in Jakarta a month after. So, I embarked on the journey of a lifetime by joining Ipsos Business Consulting. Just for your information, Ipsos is known as one of the world’s largest market research companies with more than 80 branches around the world.
It’s been a wonderful journey to have team in Ipsos Business Consulting, while completing my life during 5 months. I have enjoyed working for this team and I appreciate having had this wonderful opportunity to work with the team. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity everyday to team up with and learn from some of the smartest and most talented people I know.
Part of Ipsos Business Consulting team
During these last five months, they all have provided me support and through their encouragement and guidance I have been able to excel at the project offered to me. With many of them, I have shared a unique camaraderie which I hope will continue in the years to come even though I shall not be here with the company anymore.
It’s really big privilege for me to be mentored and worked by most talented and smart people here. The team are so layal, kind, and ever so hardworking in pushing the members to the limit to get us to where we are. Here, I have a responsible for project execution, research, data gathering, networking, and managing consultant’s report. Aiding the market research for a promised client and assisting a decision-making process based on the market research.
Working on my desk in office
As I move on, everyday I would like to take a moment to remember and cherish times together. It’s been great interacting and knowing all of them. Even I now look forward to this new position that brings forth new challenges and adds more diverse experience to my career. I do wish them and the company every success in all its future endeavors. I thank you for all their support throughout and hope I can continue to extend their cooperation to the current leadership teams.
Side my work in Ipsos Business Consulting, I have to spend a day in a week (usually on Tuesday) to facilitate my juniors in my university organization, Bakrie Model United Nations as mentor and coach in the same time. I responsible for coaching my juniors, provide regular training on research, speech, negotiation (diplomacy), and drafting skills (Position paper, Working paper, and Draft Resolution).
Bakrie MUN regular practice with my juniors
Model United Nations Competition consists of leadership quality, quality of the speech, negotiation ability, quality of the paper, quality of the draft resolution and quality of the ideas that had been delivered during the conference. This could be one of my dedication for all the things that happened in my life. I just really want to express my love and gratitude to this club that made me able to grow so much.
The moment when I was sent to NTU MUN 2015 as Universitas Bakrie Official Delegation
Working in office with bunch of assignment and being a mentor for my juniors could be stressful tho. One way to avoid and distract myself from overthinking, grumbling, and anxiety is to engage myself in doing some activity, better if I like it. In my case, I often turned to read good books or websites, writing on blog, watching movies or Youtube funny videos, or watching concert with someone special.
Watched Java Jazz Festival 2017
As you have to know, I have a passion for writing and everything that are connected with the creative industry. I have contributed in writing a lot of articles, features and reviews for magazines and web blogs. This blog that as an example that I wrote on it almost everyday (www.flagig.com) during my spare time after I back from my office. I love movie, music, television and the entertainment industry, it has always been my passion to follow all the new trends that’s happening in the entertainment industry.
Almost everyday is a Premiere Movie Day
I write, edit, and publish all the latest news and updates from the entertainment, fashion, lifestyle, and IT industry here. One of the advantages for always writing in this personal blog, I always get the free premiere movie ticket before the film release in cinema (3-6 days before), hence I could give you a bit of spoiler (no kidding lols). Not only get the free premiere movie pre-screening, I also sometimes get the ticket to watch the concert just for free tho (Java Jazz, Local and International Singer concert). I can say that; those things are just an ordinary privilege for me.
Spiderman: Homecoming Premiere
Starwars: Rouge One Premiere
I bet you will be envious if I tell you this! I also have big privilege to get a warm interview session with several international and local artists while they were wisiting Indonesia. I’ve been interviewed Ariana Grande, Clean Bandit, Yannick Bovy, Shane Filan, Yuna, Raisa, Isyana and many more. I would not trade a way a second ? Thank you flagig for giving a big chance for me (again)
The moment when I have to interview Clean Bandit in Jakarta
Below is attached the video while I was interviewing Ariana Grande from Google Hang Out
Whether I work in Business Consulting, being mentor for my juniors and write some articles for my blogs, time often becomes the scarcest of resources. Between my career golas, social obligations, and all things time consuming, exercise is usually the first thing put on the back burner. Yet working out is probably the one thing that improves the quality across all areas of your life.
Hence, during a week I always spend either one or two days for having an exercise. While I was very busy with my work, I do my exercise in 20 fit (even not routines, 3 times in month or less) . If I have lot of time to do so, I usually do jogging as well in stadium near my campus. Those things are important to maintain your endurance and health.
Spending 20 minutes for my fit in 20 fit
Fit everyday
I do jogging too (location: Epiwalk)
With a bunch of activities that I do everyday, I also spend my day to prepare for my Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2017. I regularly practice saman dance in my room, meet 2 of my friends (other candidate for ICYEP and SSEAYP) just for sharing knowledge and experience, even look for sponsorship.
Wearing traditional Batik from sponsorship with my other fellow Youth Exchange Candidate
Sometimes I do stupid things. Sometimes people do stupid things. But at the end of the day, the feeling that we know we are there for each other no matter what, it makes my day. In another way, it feels like God peels me again and again everyday through all extraordinary experiences and I find my new self. And so far, I have never been disappointed. Whichever way I look at my days, I am certain about one thing: I have learned many good lessons.
This post is now way too long, so thank you so much to your everyone else who helped aling the way in whatever capacity. Your support kept me going.